The Lunar Culmination: The Elemental Wolves, Book 4

Written By: M. D. Butler Narrated By: Cat Hipps

This is it. Everything that we’ve been through during this last year has led to this moment.

We’re all a little traumatized by the things that we’ve seen and done, but at least we’re still here. Not many others can say that. I’m not the same girl that I was when I caught that first whiff in the school courtyard, and I never want to be seen as that weak again. On the other hand, I’ve seen sides of my guys that I didn’t even know they were capable of exhibiting. We all have pieces of ourselves that we’d like to keep hidden, apparently.

Enough contemplating for now. It’s time for some action. The few skirmishes that we’ve had so far are nothing compared to what’s coming. So many shocking revelations come to pass. I can’t even tell friend from for anymore. Nothing is going the way we’ve planned, so we’re taking a page from Cash’s book: Just wing it. It’s time to end this uprising against our goddess once and for all. There will be so much death and pain, but shit happens. The best thing we can do is make sure we’re in the land of the living when the war is declared over. I can’t do life without my mates, and I know they feel the same. We have so much more to live for bow. There are people counting on us to make this world a better place, and the evil god that’s invaded this land needs to be taken out in order for that to happen. If a few mangy, red-eyed wolves fall along the way….well, that’s their fault. They chose the wrong side, and I don’t have time to give them a fair trial.

The war has come. One thing I know for sure: It’s about to go down! It’s the beginning of the culmination.

Note: This is the last book in The Elemental Wolves Series. This story contains violence, sex scenes, and mature language. This is a paranormal reverse harem MMFMM romance where the female character does not have to choose. This book is recommended for listeners above 18.


Crush: Deadly Hearts, Book 1


The Lunar Warriors Part 2: The Elemental Wolves, Book 3